Following are some of the artifacts that made their way across the
bay to Beaton's during the weather disturbance known as Sandy.
This bottom half of a Dutch door is from the little Van Sciver real
estate building which used to sit on the corner of rt. 35 and
Mantoloking Road. This place was recognizable to literally
thousands upon thousands of shore-goers and locals alike. A tiny
little cottage that looked like it had been there since the beginning
of time. When I saw the swath that Sandy plowed through that
section of Mantoloking, it was the first house I thought of.
Gone in an instant, like it was made of Balsa.
Ah yes, the old fraternity paddle. George fashioned this paddle for
his 'big', presumably, and Alan held it dearly until that fateful day
in October of 2012. Imagine how many times Alan's kids were
punished with this instrument of discipline. If it were anything like
my Dad's Phi Kappa Psi paddle, the letters would have long been
worn away.
Triangle Potassium E-scow
An Opti with flotation bag showing. Looks like a hull cover
draping over the gunwhale. Virtually indestructible, this
dinghy was identified and picked up fairly quickly.
It helped when Ethan wrote his name on the transom.
What have we here? Tom Beaton had just retrieved
the Orange Coffee Pot from the cockpit.
Laser 148747. Can anyone tell me when this hull was built?
Said cockpit which housed the Orange Coffee Pot.
Here's hoping that Marie Barbour is a happy, healthy 14 year old.
Sunday photo, maybe Easter?
A grand banquet it must have been. The attendees are no doubt
waiting for the relish and olive trays and the individual fruit cups
to be served, only to be followed by Waldorf salad. Tournedos
Rossini with asparagus hollandaise and pommes dauphinoise
would wow the guests, with baked Alaska rounding out the menu.
There was no such thing as a vegetarian option in those days.
Wait, I stand corrected.....they could always skip the entree,
or stay home.
It must have been quite an event for those having been invited
by both the Lord Mayor and the sheriffs.
I like any picture of what looks like four Italian ladies standing in
the kitchen, ready to roll out the pasta on the linoleum-topped table.
And the rolling pin of choice? A wooden closet pole.
You may recognize this photo: Currie Wagner (no relation) gazes
numbly at the empty lot that used to host his Grandmother's house,
which lays in a pile at the foot of the Mantoloking bridge.
For a few months, when I saw these photos, I had to choke back
the tears. As with anything, eventually one becomes accustomed
to the surreal images that once captivated and evoked emotions.
Ok. Looks like Bettie is the correct spelling, especially
if it was in fact Bettie who needlepointed this.
A gift to Bettie.
From Margaux and Chelsea.
Henry Colie found this in the back marshes of Beaton's.
Jack Wagner, pictured (no relation), said that this whale must
have belonged to Bettie Wagner, of the other Wagners.
Is nobody related around here?
A new Beaton tail for the whale.
This afternoon, at Barnegat Light.