829 Southdrive

829 Southdrive

A New Jersey state of mind

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Fathers' Day 2010

Kleenex, please.  Really.....
It was just that, a Happy Fathers' Day.
Could not have had it any better.


  1. I don't know about that... Is that glass half filled or half empty?

  2. Second impression: maybe your champaigne just runneth over?

  3. Mint Julep, in need of refreshing!

  4. This is getting really freaky. Over at the O Dock, the phantom stranger made an appearance and looks like Jacques Cousteau. I click on the link to you and I thought I was staring at Glenn Beck or Bubba Clinton. ....I'm kidding of course. Your daughter looks like a movie star. Good genes, bucko! I hope you had more than one drink. Speaking of drinks, where's my bourbon?
