829 Southdrive

829 Southdrive

A New Jersey state of mind

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Johnny Come Lately

And to think that I just got my own first iPod on Monday.  I'm still
trying to wrap my head around the whole concept of  not having to
gently lay the stylus down on the record.  I've got 160 frigabytes 
of memory!  That's 40,000 songs.  And I can load photos, movies,
and TV shows to boot.  I wonder if the Honeymooners are out on
iTunes yet.  I suppose I'll never run out of music while mowing the 
lawn.  How long does it take to cut my grass, you ask?  
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.   The album.

Steve Jobs didn't just influence a generation, but several of them.
Everyone else out there is a copycat. The letter i will never be
looked at the same way again, and i am just getting started.


  1. Writing this message on my iPad this morning, just after checking my iPhone, and soon to head to work where I will log into my iMac and check my iStock.

    RIP Steve Jobs

  2. I'm not quite as decked out in i-Gear as MillieMac, but have wife and I both have the little iPod shuffles, she has an iPod Touch, I bought an iMac a few years ago, and work just hooked me up with an iPhone (awesome!).

    Steve Jobs has definitely made such a huge influence on how people live their lives.

    enjoy the new toy.

  3. My only nod to modern personal tech is my iMac. No phone (i or even plain cell), ipad, or ipod. Am I missing out?

    Then again I don't have to mow a lawn...
