Off today, Monday, and doing things that needed to be done by
someone who had the time to do them. I made sure that I could
do things that I wanted to do also, like ride my bike, to start to get
rid of the insulation I'd built up over the winter. I rode the canal
towpath from Lawrenceville to Princeton's Carnegie Lake, where
the University's Boathouse is situated at Washington Road. Not
too much activity there today, just a few sculls with coach boats
driving alongside, bullhorns in hand.
It was a typical mid-spring ride on the towpath; blustery and chilly,
with a couple of joggers and a few older Asian couples walking
and stopping to gather spring greens on the side of the trail, which I
imagined to be dandelions and/or plantains. It's a bit too early for
fiddlehead ferns. The Canada Geese couples were still a bit nervous
as I approached, sticking their tongues out and quickly waddling
into the canal. By May, they'll be oblivious to the passersby.
I couldn't hear their alarms as I was entranced by Roger Waters and
then Simon and Garfunkel on my iPod. Quite a combination, huh?
It certainly worked for me.