829 Southdrive

829 Southdrive

A New Jersey state of mind

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Indian Summer

October 24, 2010.  Still a decent amount of boats in the water,
though the next week or two will see a huge drop-off.  It was
positively balmy today with temps in the low 70's.  Hard to
believe Halloween is next weekend. 

Escapade, a Block Island 40, catches my eye every time we
motor by.  Turns out he grew up a couple miles from where we live.
Small world we live in, I often say.  He said he'd stop by the next
time he was in the area.  I'll be ready.

I know it's election season, but is nothing sacred?

You mean to tell me you've never fallen asleep in your drink before?

Ummm...can you bear off a touch so I'm in the sunlight again?

In the Spring and Fall, we like to sail back upriver rather than motor.
There's much less traffic, and it's just plain more peaceful.  We still
get some quizzical looks from powerboaters.  What do you think
sailboats did in the old days before engines, I feel like saying.
They're clueless, and will never get the satisfaction we do from
quietly winding our way back to the dock.  We had the Eagles-Titans
game on the radio and listened intently as Tennessee fought
back and won the game.  If the Giants beat Dallas tomorrow
night, things will be in order.  Sorry Phillies and Yankees.
I say go San Francisco Giants!


  1. Sailing upriver sounds really nice, and it looks like the hound dog prefers the slower pace as well. Enjoy this upcoming stretch of warmer weather.

  2. Another entertaining blog Baydog! I'll come back and visit all winter. I can almost smell the salt water.

  3. I just love this site! Especially this fine, fine post!

  4. Hazel has learned the fine art of "slow life". It goes well with abstaining from burning fossil fuels to get home.

  5. Those election signs are hilarious. Unbelievable!
